Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Hyper-V virtualization for systems running on Windows / SQL Server

Hyper-V technology from Microsoft is now officially supported by SAP even for production usage.

The following combinations of OS/DB are supported for SAP under Hyper-V:

- Windows / DB2 for LUW
- Windows / SQL Server

Regarding Oracle virtualization usage for production, at the moment is not supported -- not even under VMWare or XEN (see note 1173954).

One of the big goals of correctly designing a virtualization solution, is to correctly set-up I/O access throuhput, access to memory and CPU. For production, memory and CPU assigment should be left at least the minimum requeriments fixed.

For I/O performance, it is strongly recommended that you set-up direct raw access for Database files over SAN disks. It is also recommened that you check with you SAN hardware vendor the certified configuration and distribution of Disks for your SAP system.